Personal Directives
Enduring Powers of Attorney

It’s a relief and comfort to get these forms done!

We left this relaxed evening with our legally signed documents. What seemed complicated became easy!

A most helpful evening with lots accomplished!

Things can go sideways in life. But we can prepare, making it better and easier for ourselves—and those we love.

In this Completion Workshop you get to direct how things will go, should you become unable to speak for yourself. You can designate who you want to speak for you, handle your affairs and give specific instructions. It’s like an insurance policy – only you don’t have to pay for it over and over.

A Personal Directive requires others to listen to the person you’ve chosen to speak for you when you can’t. This is critical when you’re in hospital, for example.

An Enduring Power of Attorney empowers the person you have chosen to take care of your financial affairs, until you can do so again, yourself.

LOL! It was a hoot!
2023, FCSS Barrhead Completion Workshop

You get to create your legal documents in this small, confidential, 2.5-hour workshop, facilitated by Barbara Phillips, a retired lawyer and a Commissioner of Oaths.

This is a Pilot Program only available now.

Private sessions and small-group workshops are available
for your home and organization.

Call or text Andrea (780) 718-8682