
Barbara Ashley Philips

Barbara Ashley Phillips shares her energy and passion from a deep well of education and experience. With her Yale Law School degree, she became a fighter for employment equity.

After 4 years of hard-fought litigation in the U.S. federal courts this lawyer brought in a ground-breaking settlement worth $48 million in today’s dollars for women experiencing promotion discrimination. (See Wells v. Bank of America).

Leaving the law, she trained as a mediator becoming one of the pioneer mediators and trainers in the U.S. in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Her books, Finding Common Ground (that earned her over $100,000) and A Field Guide to Mediation are highly respected in the field.

In 1991, Barbara bought a quarter section and began raising bison in the foothills of the Wallowa Mountains. She studied at that time with Allan Savory, founder of the Holistic Management movement and tried to implement some of his strategies. Not cool. When that ended in 2000, she was running about 100 head on about 120 acres.

Moving to Canada In 2000, she trained as a professional coach and integrating that with her mediation training became an advanced communication skills facilitator and negotiations coach. In 2018, she saw how few of us take care of our own critical affairs and began offering workshops in All About Wills and PD/EPA Creation to provide a quick, easy and cost-effective way to protect yourself, your family and friends when you can’t.

Today she’s learning and sharing about Regenerative Agriculture in farming and ranching on the Prairies.

Check out Barb’s creative space!