Creative Attention
Look deep into nature and be awed.
There’s More to You Than You Think
Is it time to let that into your life?
In just a few sessions you can discover that more and begin to live it.
Coaching & Communication Skills
When life comes knocking at your door, it’s time to enrich every aspect of your life, even in the midst of experiences that could fell a giant.
Farming & Ranching Programs
A revolution is taking place in agriculture. Our ability to thrive, not just survive, depends on our embracing a new paradigm that brings nature on-side.
Complete Your Personal Directive
& Enduring Power of Attorney
In a 2-hour workshop, you get to choose who you want to act for you in personal and financial matters when you can’t.
If you want to make small changes, change how you do things. If you want to make major changes, change the way you see things.

Don Campbell
Don is a Professional Certified Educator in Holistic Management. He ranches at Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan with his wife Bev and two married sons. He jointly owns and operates B-C Ranch Inc.
Barbara invites you to think and see in new ways

With Barbara, I made some amazing discoveries about myself
I endorse Barbara. I completed the 6 regenerative coaching sessions (Power Pack) and made some amazing discoveries about myself! I shifted my future goals and am in totally different space. Excited about moving forward!!
Donna – RN

Barbara holds the key to transformational outcomes
Barbara Phillips is brilliant. She is incredibly insightful not simply in spotting surface issue nor those that lie beneath the surface, but in rooting out the deeply subconscious, artfully camouflaged, locked away issues that are key to transformational outcomes. She is gentle, kind and articulate and possesses uncanny accuracy and limitless courage. She has had a profound impact on thousands. May you be fortunate enough to be one of them.
Ken Cloke
Co-founder and first president, Mediators Beyond Borders; Ken Cloke is a world-recognized mediator, dialogue facilitator, conflict resolution systems designer, teacher, public speaker, author of numerous books and articles, and a pioneer and leader in the field of mediation and conflict resolution for the last 37 years.

Barbara is seasoned with wisdom, warmth and integrity
She holds a profound space of ancient healing and seeing. In her private coaching and family constellation group work, she guides with sharp intuitive skill and deep connectivity to the influences that lie beneath the surface. The magical effect of her sessions are indeed profound and a gift to all who come under her grace.
Sally Ransen
Deep River Coaching

Karen Gets Her Mother Back
Despite having a very close relationship with my mother into my 30’s, I’ve found over the last couple of years that she doesn’t want to talk about “my issues.” If I tell her about a friend of mine or a relative of my husband’s who is sick or dying or has died, she expresses regret and then goes on to talk about what she’s going to serve her bridge club. If I don’t push a topic of mine it gets dropped. It got to the point where I was very glad to have Solitaire on my computer at work or a Sudoku puzzle on my table at home for while I was listening to her talk.