Complete Your Personal Directive
& &nbsp Enduring Power of Attorney

Check These Documents off your To-Do list

Getting these documents completed is a great comfort to you and your family. If you don’t do this, let’s just say it gets complicated. Give your family and friends a chance to really support you should the need arise.


It’s sooo easy you’ll wonder why you’ve put it off for so long!

This Coaching Session enables you to create the two simple documents you need – like insurance – for when something in your life goes really wrong and you can’t make decisions for yourself. These are your protections. In a private, confidential session you can get your documents completed and properly executed so they will be there, should you need them. It’s the best insurance you can have against personal catastrophe.


These are the documents:

Personal Directives

Without a Personal Directive, even your family members may not be recognized as your official representative in health care and other personal matters. They would need to get appointed by a judge in order to speak for you. In our confidential session we can walk together as you make the essential decisions to complete this document. I can show you how to get it properly executed and facilitate that if need be, so it will be respected.

Enduring Powers of Attorney

If you’re unable to pay your bills or access funds for needed services not provided by the health care system, you’d need to have in place an Enduring Power of Attorney to empower someone else to do this for you. In a confidential session, you’ll be able to go through the decision-making process and complete this document as well. For the signing and witnessing, we’ll set up a place to meet where I can add my Commissioner of Oaths stamp or I’ll show you how to get that done locally if you’re not from the Edmonton area.

You’ll feel great knowing
you’ve provided the best direction and support possible
for those you will someday leave behind.

All About Wills

This is your chance to check off a BIG item on your lifetime to-do list.

This is your chance to check off a BIG item on your lifetime to-do list.

Your All-About-Wills Coaching – Most of us are uncomfortable as we even just think about making a will. But getting your will relieves the stress of not having one. In a safe, confidential coaching session or two, you will be able to make your choices with confidence.


What if you knew how to assess your options – a handmade will, a stationery store will, a lawyer-created will? What if you really knew what a will is, what it does and what happens if you don’t have one? What if you knew how to make a will that makes everything after your life, simple. Schedule your session here.


Private sessions and small-group workshops are available

for your home and organization.

Call or text Andrea (780) 718-8682